Stay at Home Moms , Changing Lives - Sharing real-News and Information that Impact the lives of Women of ALL Color's
“reasonable protection.” (42 U.S.C. § 10607(c)(2); 18 U.S.C. § 3771(a)
C. Right to Reasonable Protection A crime victim has the right to be reasonably protected from the accused. (18 U.S.C. § 3771(a)(1)). Both the CVRA and the VRRA use the concept of “reasonable protection.” (42 U.S.C. § 10607(c)(2); 18 U.S.C. § 3771(a)(1)). Accordingly, responsible officials shall take reasonable measures to address victims’ legitimate security concerns. Determining the nature and scope of such measures requires an evaluation of the threat level and identification of reasonable options to address that threat within available resources. As with other rights and services, victims may choose to accept or decline any option or options offered by the Department. (See Article II.B.). Neither statute requires the Department to provide victims with, for example, bodyguards to ensure their physical security. The responsibility of arranging reasonable victim protection remains with the responsible official of the investigative agency throughout the criminal justice process. All Department personnel, however, should consider victims’ security concerns at every point in the criminal justice system, and consult and coordinate with the responsible official of the investigative agency concerning victim safety. Any concerns about victim safety and reports of threats should immediately be reported to the lead case agent. Department personnel should use their discretion and sound judgment when discussing possible threats and security measures with victims. Trained personnel should make victims aware of the resources that may be available to promote their safety. Responsible officials from the investigation, prosecution, and corrections components, as well as the Parole Commission, are encouraged to work together to meet the safety concerns of victims. U.S. Attorneys are encouraged and expected to work with designated responsible officials from investigative agencies to develop collaborative procedures to meet the safety concerns of victims in their districts. D. Right to Reasonable, Accurate, and Timely Notice A crime victim has the right to reasonable, accurate, and timely notice of any actions
The VRO may recommend disciplinary sanctions for Department employees who “wantonly or willfully” fail to provide those rights. (28 C.F.R. § 45.10(e)). C. Right to Reasonable Protection A crime victim has the right to be reasonably protected from the accused. (18 U.S.C. § 3771(a)(1)). Both the CVRA and the VRRA use the concept of “reasonable protection.” (42 U.S.C. § 10607(c)(2); 18 U.S.C. § 3771(a)(1))
Shadow Report on Systematic Organized Stalking, Covert Neutralization of Dissidents by Means of Torture, Degrading and Inhumane Treatment.
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when they gang stalk the innocent for personal profit and then realize that they have been targeting the wrong person -They've targeting a falsely accused agent -who they all should have been protecting and praising .... Now the question is Who is going to do the right thing and who is going to continue the unwarranted assaults againt this innocent earth angel ?
I am that Little girl - I am the Sparrow with God's eye on Me !
I walk alone looking for my purpose looking for a home - They treated me like a servant and took me as a fool , told lies and defamed my name they raped me in so many ways trying desperately to break down this holy -spirit that HE had placed in me all along , went to my friends and family and showed me my true enemies and again I walk alone still searching for my true self still searching for my . home only this time my eye's are open helping me to see the enormous amount of Blessings he has placed out here for me.
I feel that I am set-apart I can feel it in my heart - I have known it all along that's why my spirit , my true spirit has always shined , that's why it shined so strong..
They send evil to try and kill my soul dear Lord they buy things with money they've stolen from me things they can't even afford living high on the -hog is what its called , living full of themselves is how they shall fall.
For I see now what I have always felt , I am that little girl that Martin spoke about , I am that little girl that they have all waited to see hoping that they could some how replace me , in a life not meant for the weak , You gave me a strong spirit that can never be broke to spread to the world a brand new Hope , of Peace , Love and Abundance , no it's not a joke. I am here to fulfill my mission you see, to sing a new song to follow my destiny.
The old ways of doing things no longer work, they'll mislead and decieve you and keep you broke , not necessaryly broke in a monatary way, but broke not woke in what you see and do today , to have you so confused and wondering just who you really are only to find your destiny and realize you are that star .
You are the little sparrow bird which has always had his eye , The one who wandered aimlessly to tough to strong to cry . Thinking that you had been forsaken , when in fact he was trying to waken , you to grab the baton and run your Race - To show this Universe your brand new face - One that no longer looks for love one that knows it can only come from above . No one can take it out of you or cast spells, slander or frighten you
For you see I am mighty inspite of what you've done you've starved the people and you think that you've won . Then God said "Let's show them what we've been working on" Let's give them back Hope , let's help them move on, to a brand new way of thinking , one that does not include hate one that is filled with love and abundance one that is not fake.
We are getting rid of ugly -ways, getting rid of those who abuse the children and the elderly -of dealing -falsely with others , of making bad decisions of holding back basic needs like food, clean water and privacy. A place to call home a place to be free a place where there is no worry and no reason to flea .
I am that little girl the one who was placed here to finally be seen , the little bird who was locked in the cage who was raped so many times by others which left her in rage, The sparrow who has the eye of God and he has seen each and everything that's been said that's been done and promises to cast out each and every one , who has mistreated his little sparrow and casued her to be shunned for she is the one that they've been talking about the one with the true blessing the one to lead all of you out !
@copyright MA 9/24/2022 stay at home moms changing lives each and every day - God don't Play
The problems with Trolls the occult, and black magic spells
I have always been seen as a person with a great calling I have always been a light in the mist of great darkness.
I have witnessed things within my own housing that I never ever thought I would have had to experience and the fact that I was later informed that these non-welcomed and constant attacks were in fact a well-coordinated Racially motivated attempt by some who felt-it their right to try and control my ability to experience the same rights as others who were not of my same nationality, or of my same Spirituality
You see I was born as a Starseed/Bright Light and I was specially placed here on this earth and for such a time as this and for a specific divine reason, and that reason was to spread the light that had been placed within my soul. Never ever thinking that this little light of mine would attract so many who only wished me harm and that there were even some who wished death upon me simply for the fact that I was in fact a Chosen - seed from the Most High God- regardless of what others may have thought about me no matter what other would say about my struggles as a little -girl who lived in silence and was all alone in a world where I often felt I had not a real friend or any real feeling of family.
I have been involved in a 20-year love -relationship with my best friend who later became my beloved Husband. Our relationship was magical and the love that we shared was so complete and without blemish. We were living our lives to the best of our abilities considering that we were being targeted and sought after by a local low level- group of community trolls who were Hell-bent on destroying our Spiritual -destiny as a spirit filled Husband and Wife who had accepted the call to lead His sheep to the Kingdom.
What started as the answering to a calling we began to let our light shine which of course began to draw a lot of community attention. As an unannounced Earth -Angel I chose to keep it to myself because I realized that by keeping a few of my Godly gifts to myself it would in the future prove to be extremely valuable.
I had always felt the true strength of my powers when I was just about 4. I remember being able to sit down at a piano and after only hearing a song 2 times I was able to repeat it by ear without reading the music. I then began to notice that whenever I would walk home from grade school the stray dogs would follow me and I felt that they could understand me as I spoke to them, this began to be a regular event that I began to look forward to. It was the same with the fish, I use to love to fish with my dad and I noticed that the fish would almost all but jump into the boat as I would speak to them, in fact as I would speak the fish would all clammer over to be where I was. "If we could talk to the Animals learn their languages"
I knew that I had gifts - and I also knew that it was important to keep these gifts concealed until it was time to use them.
I remember our first date he took me out and we went dancing It was as if it was just yesterday, I remember him holding me close and we fit together like a key and lock it was magic
Years later after, we moved to a townhouse up North, I noticed that we were being preyed upon by the community and more closely by our own neighbors who did not seem to really accept us as a couple, and so this is where it all began, the obsessive and extremely insanely Abusive shadowing of my every step my every word my every thought which quickly began to consume every aspect of my life.
But what these aggressive organized thugs who had no better means in which to get paid except by aggressively and Brazenly coming to where I resided and all of them had secretly made me the subject matter and target of their malicious and wicked non-warranted attacks and their non-stop intentional attempts to interrupt my abilities to live the life that I was meant to live as it was in fact my birth -right which NO man or Woman had ANY say as to if I could or if I could not live it!
These monsters would eventually cause both of us such severe emotional. mental, physical, financial and spiritual damage to me and my life partner that it seemed at times as if we had prematurely- died and ended up in Hell right where we were being forced to live and deal with these unwarranted and extremely vicious acts of war.
@MonicaAndres copy-right protected
This PASTOR & WIFE are going down for a scandle involving child s@x traf...
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IT'S ALWAYS GOOD TO REMEMBER TO CALL OUT TO THE MOST HIGH GOD - ( In fact He's waiting for you to call out and ask for guidance and ...