Stay at Home Moms , Changing Lives - Sharing real-News and Information that Impact the lives of Women of ALL Color's
Neo-Nazi who led effort to threaten journalists gets 3 years +Seattle+ repost - these targeted attacks are still taking place in Seattle
From Associated Press
Bloomberg Tech Giants Get Congress Antitrust Warning: ‘Change Is Coming’--Update--Warren urges federal watchdog to investigate Google over advertising 'manipulation'
U.S. Attorney asks public to report predatory housing practices amid COVID-19 pandemic repost !
Blog Editor's side note :
Blog Editor's side note :
Yes Predatory Housing is REAL !! - note these non-credible - predators told an intentional lie to gain access to (my new apt where they had stalked me to) only so they could sexually exploit and sexually assault me -while making false claims while recording my reactions and Complete -outrage to these violations and sexually motivated - crimes !
I know that I fled my last sexually -exploitive living condition in another county only to have these same predators collude with other's to continue the abuse and intimidation at My intended new location -At this Place I was told that they abided by the Fair Housing laws . So I was fooled into believing that my safety and privacy would be respected . However , this was not the fact at all. And I was locked into an even more intrusive sexually abusive bad -faith -lease where even during Covid -19 and extreme Heat conditions I could not relax ,seek a place to cool-off or escape the un-wanted constant hovering and invasion of my right to be left alone even as I slept due to the abuse of power and authority , making false -claims about me to justify the abuse and the Pattern of Practices displayed from my prior residence and now my current residence with their illicit Radio-active/Microwave Pulse -weapons and illegal surveillance that were set -in- place prior to my arrival and prior to my signing the intentional Bad faith fraudulent - lease WHICH WAS intentionally meant to Target Harass Exploit Humiliate , Intimidate, Shame , Teach me a lesson and to Break me into submission for seeking assistance to have these actions stopped and to quiet me as a Journalist from reporting the things that I experience in a society that hates a person for simply reporting the truth.
I will Never be bullied into telling a lie when I have actually experienced it first hand and now someone else wants others to believe that my experience is something that they experienced- yeah right ....
"What I went through -You wouldn't have had to go through"
DOJ Antitrust Division: Popular ends should not justify anti-competitive collusion repost
Repost from - 2019
FROM USA Today by Makan Delrahim, Opinion contributorPublished Sept. 12, 2019
18 U.S. Code § 241 - Conspiracy against rights
If two or more persons conspire to injure, oppress, threaten, or intimidate any person in any State, Territory, Commonwealth, Possession, or District in the free exercise or enjoyment of any right or privilege secured to him by the Constitution or laws of the United States, or because of his having so exercised the same; or
If two or more persons go in disguise on the highway, or on the premises of another, with intent to prevent or hinder his free exercise or enjoyment of any right or privilege so secured—
Without my consent -repost
- Law: Wash. Const. art. I, § 7 (protection of private affairs and protection from warrantless search and seizure- invasion of home)
- Outcome: The court reversed the conviction and determined that warrantless infrared surveillance violated Washington State Constitution and Fourth Amendment. Without the information obtained through the search, there was insufficient evidence to demonstrate probable cause to allow the officers to search defendant’s home .
- Special Notes: Washington decisions have noted that the home “receives heightened constitutional protection,”4 because the home is a private place.
- Wash. Const. art. I, § 7
- RCW 4.24.790 Electronic impersonation—Action for invasion of privacy
- RCW 9.61.260 – Cyberstalking
- RCW 9.61.230, .240, .250 – Telephone Harassment
- RCW Chapter 9.73 – State Privacy Act
- RCW Chapter 10.14 – Civil Harassment
- RCW 63.60.010, et. seq. – Use of name, voice, signature, photograph, or likeness
“The Justice Department will continue to aggressively prosecute threats motivated by religious intolerance, and to prosecute defendants like this one who threatened violence against individuals who work to end discrimination,”
Leader of ‘Atomwaffen’ Conspiracy Sentenced to Three Years in Prison for Threatening Journalists and Advocates
One of Four Arrested in Feb. 2020
Cameron Shea, 25, a leader of the neo-Nazi group Atomwaffen Division, was sentenced today in the U.S. District Court for the Western District of Washington to three years in prison for federal conspiracy and hate crime charges for threatening journalists and advocates who worked to expose anti-Semitism, announced Acting U.S. Attorney Tessa M. Gorman. At the sentencing hearing, U.S. District Judge John C. Coughenour said, “This conduct cannot be tolerated. This kind of conduct has consequences…It is so serious that it requires a serious sentence.”
“The Justice Department will continue to aggressively prosecute threats motivated by religious intolerance, and to prosecute defendants like this one who threatened violence against individuals who work to end discrimination,” said Assistant Attorney General Kristen Clarke for the Justice Department’s Civil Rights Division. “The Justice Department is committed to prosecuting to the full extent of the law, violent neo-Nazis and other perpetrators of hate crimes.”
“This hate-filled conduct strikes at the heart of our communities,” said Acting U.S. Attorney Tessa Gorman for the Western District of Washington. “This defendant’s goal was to make people fearful in their own homes, and he recruited and cheered on others who joined his sick scheme. This federal prison sentence underscores the human damage from his crimes.”
Shea pleaded guilty in April 2021, to one count of conspiring to commit three offenses against the United States: interference with federally-protected activities because of religion; mailing threatening communications; and cyberstalking. He also pleaded guilty to one count of interfering with a federally protected activity because of religion.
Shea and three co-defendants were charged with conspiring via an encrypted online chat group to identify journalists and advocates they wanted to threaten in retaliation for the victims’ work exposing anti-Semitism. The group focused primarily on those who are Jewish or journalists of color. The group created posters, which featured Nazi symbols, masked figures with guns and Molotov cocktails and threatening messages, to deliver or mail to the journalists or advocates the group targeted. Shea messaged the group that he wanted Atomwaffen members in different locations to place posters on their victims’ homes on the same night to catch journalists off guard and accomplish a “show of force.” The posters were delivered to victims in Tampa, Seattle and Phoenix. Shea mailed posters to several victims, including a poster sent to an official at the Anti-Defamation League (ADL) that depicted a Grim Reaper-like figure wearing a skeleton mask holding a Molotov cocktail outside a residence, with the text “Our Patience Has Its Limits . . . You have been visited by your local Nazis.”
Two of Shea’s co-defendants previously pled guilty to the conspiracy charge and were sentenced. A fourth defendant pled not guilty and is awaiting trial in Sept. 2021.
The case is being investigated by the FBI’s Joint Terrorism Task Forces in Tampa, Seattle, Houston and Phoenix with assistance from the Seattle Police Department.
The case is being prosecuted by Assistant U.S. Attorneys Thomas Woods and Seth Wilkinson and Civil Rights Division Trial Attorney Michael J. Songer, with assistance from U.S. Attorneys’ Offices in the Middle District of Florida, Southern District of Texas, District of Arizona and Central District of California.
Cameron Shea, 25, a leader of the neo-Nazi group Atomwaffen Division, was sentenced today in the U.S. District Court for the Western District of Washington to three years in prison for federal conspiracy and hate crime charges for threatening journalists and advocates who worked to expose anti-Semitism, announced Acting U.S. Attorney Tessa M. Gorman. At the sentencing hearing, U.S. District Judge John C. Coughenour said, “This conduct cannot be tolerated. This kind of conduct has consequences…It is so serious that it requires a serious sentence.”
“The Justice Department will continue to aggressively prosecute threats motivated by religious intolerance, and to prosecute defendants like this one who threatened violence against individuals who work to end discrimination,” said Assistant Attorney General Kristen Clarke for the Justice Department’s Civil Rights Division. “The Justice Department is committed to prosecuting to the full extent of the law, violent neo-Nazis and other perpetrators of hate crimes.”
“This hate-filled conduct strikes at the heart of our communities,” said Acting U.S. Attorney Tessa Gorman for the Western District of Washington. “This defendant’s goal was to make people fearful in their own homes, and he recruited and cheered on others who joined his sick scheme. This federal prison sentence underscores the human damage from his crimes.”
Shea pleaded guilty in April 2021, to one count of conspiring to commit three offenses against the United States: interference with federally-protected activities because of religion; mailing threatening communications; and cyberstalking. He also pleaded guilty to one count of interfering with a federally protected activity because of religion.
Shea and three co-defendants were charged with conspiring via an encrypted online chat group to identify journalists and advocates they wanted to threaten in retaliation for the victims’ work exposing anti-Semitism. The group focused primarily on those who are Jewish or journalists of color. The group created posters, which featured Nazi symbols, masked figures with guns and Molotov cocktails and threatening messages, to deliver or mail to the journalists or advocates the group targeted. Shea messaged the group that he wanted Atomwaffen members in different locations to place posters on their victims’ homes on the same night to catch journalists off guard and accomplish a “show of force.” The posters were delivered to victims in Tampa, Seattle and Phoenix. Shea mailed posters to several victims, including a poster sent to an official at the Anti-Defamation League (ADL) that depicted a Grim Reaper-like figure wearing a skeleton mask holding a Molotov cocktail outside a residence, with the text “Our Patience Has Its Limits . . . You have been visited by your local Nazis.”
Two of Shea’s co-defendants previously pled guilty to the conspiracy charge and were sentenced. A fourth defendant pled not guilty and is awaiting trial in Sept. 2021.
The case is being investigated by the FBI’s Joint Terrorism Task Forces in Tampa, Seattle, Houston and Phoenix with assistance from the Seattle Police Department.
The case is being prosecuted by Assistant U.S. Attorneys Thomas Woods and Seth Wilkinson and Civil Rights Division Trial Attorney Michael J. Songer, with assistance from U.S. Attorneys’ Offices in the Middle District of Florida, Southern District of Texas, District of Arizona and Central District of California.
Examples of disability-related harassment, including bullying and hate crime -++REPOST++
Examples of disability-related harassment, including bullying and hate crime
The following are some examples of disability-related harassment, bullying and hate crime. This is not an exhaustive list and there may be other examples.
- derogatory, demeaning or humiliating remarks
- name-calling or ridicule
- offensive or patronizing language
- insults
- threats and intimidation
- invasion of personal space
- unnecessary touching
- unwanted comments about appearance or disability
- intrusive questioning about disability
- offensive jokes, banter
- abusive verbal or written comments related to disability
- offensive emails
- cyberbullying, using the Internet, interactive and digital technologies or mobile phones to threaten, bully or intimidate
- offensive graffiti
- financial exploitation of a disabled person including taking their benefits money +++
- deliberately putting aids and adaptations out of reach
- damage to a disabled person's property, including aids and adaptations
- sexual abuse, rape and sexual assault
- physical assault, ranging from lower level assaults up to murder
- Disability-related harassment is unwanted, exploitative or abusive conduct against disabled people which has the purpose or effect of either:
- violating the dignity, safety, security or autonomy of the person experiencing it, or
- creating an intimidating, hostile, degrading or offensive environment.
- Disability-related harassment is also such conduct against the family, friends and associates of disabled people because of their connection with a disabled person.
- Disability-related harassment is also such conduct against a person perceived to be a disabled person.
- Disability-related harassment encompasses bullying and hate crime against disabled people.
- Disability-related harassment may involve repeated or one-off incidents.
- Targeting a disabled person where they live -or intentionally causing them mental distress or duress
- Hacking into their cell phone or tracking them through other means after they report the abuse to authorities.
- Making false claims against the disabled person to shed false light on them and place them under surveillance so that you can then continue to cause harm to them .
Repost -Amazon Sued for ‘Systemic Pattern’ of Anti-Black Racism and Equal Pay Act Violations-Repost from 3/1/2021
Amazon has the same pattern of (Anti- Black )Discriminating - practice's in it's affiliate and other programs as well. and they also share your information with other dominate companies to also have them discriminate against you and to deny you any chance of being able to compete or even establish footing to stand . Systemic Racism- Collusion.
Why independent journalism is so important right now
Independent Journalism is under attack -Apparently reporting the truth makes those who are benefiting from the Lies -Uncomfortable - So What !
Tell the truth anyway -
repost Invasion of Privacy.-repost
Washington has a civil anti-harassment statute to protect against repeated invasions of a person's privacy. One form of “intrusion” is electronic eavesdropping, which is specifically governed by RCW 9.73. 030-. 250 of the Washington Privacy Act.
Intrusion into Seclusion
Intrusion upon seclusion is what people commonly think of as “invasion of privacy.” Intrusion upon seclusion occurs when someone intentionally intrudes into the private affairs of another person. The legal standard for intrusion upon seclusion requires that the intrusion be intentional and highly offensive to a reasonable person.[2]
Intrusion into Seclusion
The most straightforward case is when the victim is in a private location, such as a private home or hotel room. If an intruder infringes on these areas by planting a camera, peeping or otherwise violating the privacy of the area, that is a form of invasion of privacy.[3] Another area where intrusion into seclusion has been litigated is in the work place. Although people in a work setting are aware that others may hear what they discuss, there is an expectation that discussions among colleagues at work will not be surreptitiously recorded. So, the use of secret electronic surveillance can be considered an intrusion into seclusion under normal circumstances.[4]
Invasion of Privacy.
Repost ~ Obstruction of justice
- The crime can take any number of forms, whether it's bribery, tampering with evidence, lying to investigators, abusing one's power, or some other act intended to impede a criminal investigation. The federal obstruction of justice statute is written broadly and focuses more on the effect (or intended effect) of a particular action rather than the specific act itself. Therefore, seemingly innocuous acts could be construed as criminal activity if they have the intended effect of impeding justice.
- Influencing or injuring an officer or juror generally (18 U.S.C. § 1503)
- Obstruction of criminal investigations (18 U.S.C. § 1510)
- Tampering with a witness, victim, or an informant (18 U.S.C. § 1512)
- Retaliating against a witness, victim, or an informant (18 U.S.C. § 1513)
- Destruction of corporate audit records (
- 18 U.S.C. § 1520)
Black doctor dies of COVID after racist treatment complaints
The FTC’s Antitrust Case Against Facebook Stakes Out New Ground-Bloomberg Businessweek
Sharing ~ From Bloomberg-Businessweek News
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