Les Brown Prodigy.com

Hi There! I just became a member of a great affiliate program for one of the Best Motivators in the Industry~ And I thought you might be interested in joining as well. If you are interested, click here to get started.  https://affiliates.lesbrownprodigy.com


Les Brown - PUSH YOURSELF TODAY (Les Brown Motivational video)

I found this AMAZING motivational and empowerment program by my all-time favorite motivational speaker... Les Brown. Thought you might like it too. Check it out: https://lesbrownprodigy.com'
     https://lesbrownprodigy.com '

Les Brown - Invest In Yourself


As Justice Department prepares antitrust case, Facebook and Google face a billion-dollar question: What’s your data worth?


sharing -current news



Thousands of Ring owners had personal info exposed in data leak, report says


this actually happened some time ago 

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 G Suite  Is a cloud-based productivity suite you can access anywhere on any device that includes Gmail, Drive, Hangouts and Calendar.   Work-Team's love it because it allows them to work more efficiently. See how it can help you, too. Right now G Suite is offering a 14-day trial. Sign up using my link and Google will  give you a discount. You’ll get email with your domain name and a suite of tools that allows you to get work done from anywhere. Start today:  https://goo.gl/m7s7n7

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Note to my haters

 In case you didn't know  It's against the law to intentionally harras a person due to the fact that you don't like them or due ...

Office of Victims of Crimes -Offers assistance to Victims

"The Office for Victims of Crime, a part of the Office of Justice Programs, U.S. Department of Justice, seeks to enhance victims’ rights and services for all victims across the United States. The Office for Victims of Crime offers a wealth of resources for the crime victims field, including publications, training and technical assistance, funding opportunities, and more."