Faith the size of a Mustard Seed -

Mustard Seed Faith ....

No Matter what you are going through The Most High God Wants you to Know That You Matter , and He wants you to know that You are much More than Your Struggles, You are more than anything that you might be going through , No Matter what You can and You will get through it . If you remember Who you were before the Struggle began and Who you were before the _fill in the blank__ , Began 
  He wants you to know that  You are More than  a Conqueror - You are a Survivor and NO ONE can change the way that The Most High God see's You for He has great Plans for you .  His plans are not to harm you for to Give you a Life of Abundance and not a life of Fear for Fear is Not of God but is of the Devil and The devil despises Good and will try and make you believe that he is more powerful Than The Most High God - Do not ever believe the Devil - for There is nothing that Can stop God's calling on your Life - you Need only the faith of a mustard seed . I remember growing up as a young child I  would see my mother's jewelry box and there was a round glass ball with a tiny seed in it and it was on a chain , so I asked what it was and my Mom told me the story of Faith and that it need not be huge but compared it to the size of a mustard seed which I though to myself , "that's pretty small" surely I must have more faith in The most high God than a mustard seed , but I wore the necklace proudly reflecting on the conversation that I had , just had with my Mom, and so I am here today as a reminder of that faith and the fact that HE has been here with me even in my fear and even in my doubts but always in my corner even when I felt all alone HE has been my biggest cheerleader watching and protecting me from harm and those who have made plots against me not realizing that I am a Child of the most High God and knowing that "No weapon which has been formed against me shall prosper "  as I need only have faith the size of a mustard seed ..... to help me remember who I am and that I matter in HIS eye's so No Matter what You are facing or who says that you don't . You do Matter -No Matter What - The Most High God say's that You do - Mustard Seed Faith Can Move Mountains  ! 

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